MUSIC 376 - Composition Seminar
Karen Sunabacka
Estimated reading time: 1 minutes
Study notes for post-tonal harmony. From several textbooks.
Materials and Techniques of Post-Tonal Music
Chords and Simultaneities
Ambiguity may be introduced for inversion of tall chords (e.g., ninth).
Added 2nd or 4th can be considered as added 9th or 11th. Added notes: “wrong-note style”.
“split” chord members: add a minor 2nd. 7th chord with split 3rds is common. Others also occur.
open-5th chords: omitting third. Typically they are used to create an impression of the Orient or of the distant past.
Quartal (built on 4th) and Quintal (built on 5th) chords. Quintal: more open and stable sound. Diminished 4th and aug 5th, enharmonic with M3 and m6. Scriabin’s mystic chord.
Secundal chords: built from M2 or m2. these called cluster and tone cluster.
Mixed-interval chords: combine 2 or more interval types.
Whole tone chords: from whole-tone scale.
polychord: combines two ore more chords, but it’s important the harmonic entities are being juxtaposed.
Stravinsky’s famous Petrushka chord combines two triads a tritone apart: C major and F# major. another polychord: F# major/G major.
Harmonic progression and tonality
cadence: V-I, IV-I, viio6-I, iv6-V
root movements by 5ths tend to be avoided.
Debussy’s unpredictable progression. doubly chromatic mediant relationships: A major–F minor and Gb major–D minor.
pitch-centric: music that has a tonal center established through nontraditional means.
pitch center by assertion: reiteration, return, pedal point, ostinato, accent, formal placement, register, and similar techniques to draw a listener’s attention to a particular pitch class.
- tertian pitch-centricity: chords built on 3rds
- nontertian pitch-centricity: avoid such sonorities
Polytonality: similar to polychord. bitonal: polytonal music with two tonal centers.
Pandiatonicism: uses only the tones of some diatonic scale but does not rely on traditional harmonic progressions and dissonance treatment. Great vid from music matters
Atonality was a development even more radical than that of the various sorts of pitch-centricity used in post-tonal music.